Sunday, 19 April 2020

Unanswerable Alternate History

I am a man with a mind that is filled with unanswerable questions. That is one of the reasons why I would love to meet God. I would bow down happily to the Supreme being that created the universe.  

If I met God I could ask him what would happen if Prince Arthur Tudor never died from an infection and was king of England instead of his younger brother Henry the 8th. 

It is true, King Henry the 8th had an older brother called Arthur that was earmarked to be the King of England but he was killed by an unknown microbe, a common way to die 500 hundred years ago because they didn't have antibiotics. The Tudor dynasty Produced 3 monarchs I think, from the 15th century King Henry 8th and his Daughter Queen Elisabeth cut the UK off from Catholic Europe and turned the Island of Britain into a well oiled war machine. 

Surely the last 500 years of British history would be completely different if Arthur Tudor ruled England. Perhaps Arthur wouldn't need to marry 6 different wives in persuit of a son and the UK would remain closely tied to the rest of Europe. Who knows? 

Only God knows. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...