Thursday, 30 April 2020

What April 2020 means to me

It is the last Day of April and we are in the last third of Spring, much of the world is facing a lockdown to slowdown the spread of the covid19 virus. Many people have been killed by the infection, many people survived the infection but faced critical sickness. 

At the beginning of the month I was exposed to many claims of conspiracy. The conspiracy theories were old conspiracies that had resurfaced and become associated with the Pandemic. For more than a year people have been claiming that 5g radio transmitters are a hazard to health, many people were claiming that the symptoms of covid19 were caused by the transmitters being turned on. I never believed that was true. Some people also believe that the virus was made in a laboratory to cause financial loss, I don't think so, I think the virus came from wild animals. Viruses in wild animals find a way to infect humans all the time and I think that is what happened last winter in China. 

Here I am in my son's second spring, me and my wife celebrated his 1st birthday isolated from all the other Brits and Peruvian family. Just our home, alone. No Cafè, no eating out, no clothes shopping and no hair cut at the barbers. Our town centre is like a post apocalyptic dead zone. There was nothing to do except read and watch and play at home. Jacob is now able to walk with assistance and I think he will be able to walk freely by the end of spring. 

During the second half of spring I saw people around the world criticizing their governments because of the progress of the disease. In my view, you can't compare different countries because some places are more crowded then others and some economies are more brittle than others and no one had the gift of hindsight to start with. I just lost interest in the whole thing to be honest. I'm sick of it all. Sick of all the blaming and the mistrust and anxiety on the faces of other people.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Legal High

I am probably the only person on Earth that sees Brussel sprouts as a drug. I am a very typical English man but I deviate from normal quite a bit. 

Most English people like to fry their breakfast, eat bread for lunch and grill their dinner. I am like that, I like to eat fried eggs and fried bread, my breakfast is full of fat. I am a vegetarian so I don't eat grilled steak for dinner, but many English people will put steak in boiling water for 10 minutes then grill it until it is tanned to their liking.  I cut vegtables and put them in a large ceramic bowl with a glass lid. I don't add any water to the bowl and I put it in the microwave with the lid on, most people's microwaves are more powerful than mine so I would recommend they put it on full power for just 15 minutes and leave it in there for five, remember to leave the lid on the bowl when it is cooking.  When it is done I put the vegtables in my plate and pour lots of gravy on it. I will also grill mushrooms and hash browns to go with it. 

Well, what I am saying is over the years I have noticed that food effects my brain after about 4 hours. If I eat a lot of white bread I find that I get iritated more often and have less interest in reading. If I eat brown bread then I am just so. If I eat lots of oven steamed cabbage such as Brussel sprouts or red Cabbage I find that after 4 hours I feel happy for no reason. 

Food with high sugar and weak starches make me negative and iritable and foods with green vegtables and lots of fat make me happy and calm, I don't know why. 

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

So much to show you

Jacob, my son. You are an infant right now but you are heading for childhood. I have so many things to show you and so many things to share. You are the greatest gift that God has ever given me in this world.

I think about when you are a young child, I could take you to amusement parks and show you the wonders of waiting for a ride or experience. I wonder what type of food you like, we could eat out in restaurants. I think about the joys you could have with traveling to a new place you have never seen before. 

All the simple joys in this world like throwing a frisbee in the park and playing computer games, standing in the surf zone on a beach or eating ice cream are waiting for you to discover them my son.  

I often wonder what sort of hobby you would embrace, drawing, playing music, building models, making things? I don't know. Perhaps you won't have hobbies. Everything about you now is a mystery to be discovered as you grow older. 

I could teach you all the maths tricks that I learned through my life to make calculations easier and I would show you how every book is a world to explore, I will show you the joy or reading and learning new things. 

The future is coming.  

Monday, 27 April 2020

Calm night

Jacob, my son. You are one year old and have started to walk with assistance. You can support your weight but can't quite balance just yet. When I hold your hands, you are able to walk. I sense that by the end of Spring you will be able to walk freely without assistance but there is no pressure, just about every healthy person walks freely in this world. 

I am taking time now to observe that you are learning to walk during the Pandemic spring lockdown of 2020. This is your second spring in this world and the world you live in is suffering a lot. Many people in the world can't work and trade because their place of work is closed down because of quarantine measures. Many families have lost loved ones and many people became very sick throughout this spring including our own leader PM Boris Johnson. The covid19 virus seems to be very dangerous and many people are thinking carefully where they put their hands and where they stand. 

Every day I am alive in this world I am learning a little bit more about you. Every day I see you I get a clearer picture. 

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Fourth VR encounter

I have tried virtual reality 4 times in my life. Once was in the 90s on a virtual reality ride when sega world was in control of the Trocodero in London. The second time was when my friend bought an oculus Vr headset. The third time was when I bought a VR headset holder for my phone and used an app.

 The fourth time was during this spring lockdown with my current phone that supports more VR apps. I spent much more time and went into worlds in first-person mode. I experienced motion sickness from not moving. I didn't know it was possible to get motion sickness from not moving but that is what happened. My eyes were telling my brain that I was walking along a ravine but my nerves were telling my brain that I was sitting down. 

I think a big breakthrough that would overcome this problem would be a rig that allows you to walk without moving anywhere, like a treadmill or frame with ropes that you hang from so you can walk in virtual reality in a more natural way. 

Fresh Morning

Jacob, my son. We are 2 thirds the way through your second spring and I think I have more insight about the way you are. 

When you were about 4 months old until the present day, you would make sounds with your mouth. I think the sounds you are making were things you heard before you were born. You make engine sounds but the engine is not like my car, it is more like the diesel engine on present day buses. The engines make 3 distinct sounds, a  "flappering" sound when they are idle yet running, a high pitched sound when the bus is excellerating and the low pitched sound when the bus is slowing down. You weren't on the bus much after you were born, you make all three sounds and alternate them in the same order as the bus. I think you also make the sound of your mum's intestines because your head was close to her organs. Human intestines make lots of small farting sounds that can't be heard from outside the body.  You also do that with your mouth, a farting sound. 

I could be wrong about everything though, you may just be making those sounds. 

Friday, 24 April 2020

Magic Golf

You know what would be a really good golf game in my world. A golf game with a twist. 
It starts out as a golf game, but when you put the ball in the hole, a Gorilla appears and drags you off the a hidden doorway to another dimension and leaves you in a dungeon, you must then escape from the dungeon and make your way back to the golf course to get to the next hole. 
Every time you get the ball in a hole you are kidnapped by the Gorilla and dragged to a different dungeon in a different world. On the final 18th hole you give the Gorilla a hand held games console and he loses interest in the magic portal key. A device that reveals portals to other dimensions and opens them. You are then free to play uninterrupted golf or interdimentional dungeon quests, whatever floats your boat. That is what you unlock at the end of the game. 
The hardest part of the game would be explaining to your mum or person that enters your room that you are playing a golf game. Where would you even start? 

The portal hopping Gorilla is called Handy and he is a bit like Donkey Kong but he throws his own poop at you instead of Barrels. The poop gives you concussion and that allows him to kidnap you if you try to run from him. 

First electric drive

A friend of mine bought an electric powered car and invited me to drive it. 
Electric cars are easier to drive than manual transmission petrol cars, but for me it wasn't, I found it very difficult to drive. 

What happened was I sat in the car and turned on the engine, the engine makes no sound at all. I was confused because I felt like the engine was off. When I finally convinced myself the engine was on I reached out for the gear lever, but electric cars don't have a clutch and they don't have gear levers. But I kept reaching out to grab it anyway because it is the automatic side of me that does that. I was wrestling with my automatic nature to stop my old behaviours. 

In this car the break peddle took up the space of my break peddle and the clutch, it was a very wide peddle so if you were to press the clutch peddle in this car you would find yourself pressing the break. I pressed the break several times and tried to grab a gear lever that wasn't there. I guess if I get used to driving an electric car then it would be much easier to control. I just got out of the driving seat after five minutes. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

The way things are

As I have aged over time I have noticed changes in me. I imagined how I would react if this outbreak occurred when I was in my 20s. I would have been a very judgemental person and angry about the way it is being handled. I may have been angry at China because some people in China were eating bats that had Covid19 viruses in them and the virus first emerged from there. 

Things are different now, I am less judgemental of other people and I don't feel angry towards China or any other state. No one knew what to do about the virus when it became a pandemic infection, there was no script. I see graphs on the news showing the progress of the disease like it was sports statistics and I see people getting angry at celebrities but I don't care. It has happened now, you can't change what has just happened. I really don't have a strong opinion about anything. Perhaps it is because I see myself aging and see this world as a temporary one. 

Some old conspiracy theories have come to the surface and attached themselves to the viruses, people are connecting the sickness of the virus to 5G transmitters and they think the Chinese are trying to poison all the people of the world. These are all old conspiracy theories but they have resurfaced and attached themselves to the epidemic. 

What can I say. I have my head stuck in a book half the time and don't even think about it much. 

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Conspiracy Lane

These few weeks I have been up to my eyeballs in conspiracy theories connected to Covid19, I don't believe any of them and I have nothing against people that do. 

Some people think there is no virus, they think that the symptoms are caused by 5g radio transmitters. I don't think so, radio waves are very wide compared to infra red light, visible light and ultraviolet light so the photons in the ray collide with tissue matter less often so they should be more safe I think. 

Other people claim the virus was made in a lab. I don't think so, I don't even think you can make viruses in a lab at present. Viruses come from the cells of other beings such as animals and other people. Bats seem to be the likely origin of the virus. 

Well I have nothing personal against people that are suspicious of infrastructure and labs, you are entitled to your opinions.  I don't think people that believe the conspiracy theories are draft, infact I get things wrong often so I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong about this issue. But at this point in time I don't believe any of them. 

Monday, 20 April 2020

Good pie bad pi

In this world there is a pie I like and a pi I don't like. The pie I like is a made of vegtables wrapped in pastry and the pi I don't like is π.

I like to bake vegan sausage rolls and vegtable pies in the oven and eat them. Popeye the sailor man almost drinks his spinach, I'm like that with macaroni cheese. gulp, gulp, gulp, then the pie. If there was a good fake cheese then I could easily become a vegan. 

The pi I don't like is the ratio between the circumference of a circle and the circle's width,  or Ď€. The circumference of a circle is 3 and a bit times longer than the circle's width. Somewhere between 3.1 and 3.2. We will probably never know exactly where Ď€ is. I only know 3.14159 that is it, it goes on and on and on after that for thousands of digits. We may never know exactly where between 3.1 and 3.2 pie actually is. Ď€ is a very important constant for many calculations and yet it is incomplete, especially if you are using a cheap calculator from a £ shop, it probably knows less Ď€ than me. 

If you want to calculate the surface area of a circle for example you multiply the radius by itself then you multiply that by Ď€ (3 and a bit) a very long bit. There must be a better, more clear way to work out the area of a circle? No? I wish there was. I like everything to be simple. 

The only pie I want to see a lot of is the one that goes in my mouth. 

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Unanswerable Alternate History

I am a man with a mind that is filled with unanswerable questions. That is one of the reasons why I would love to meet God. I would bow down happily to the Supreme being that created the universe.  

If I met God I could ask him what would happen if Prince Arthur Tudor never died from an infection and was king of England instead of his younger brother Henry the 8th. 

It is true, King Henry the 8th had an older brother called Arthur that was earmarked to be the King of England but he was killed by an unknown microbe, a common way to die 500 hundred years ago because they didn't have antibiotics. The Tudor dynasty Produced 3 monarchs I think, from the 15th century King Henry 8th and his Daughter Queen Elisabeth cut the UK off from Catholic Europe and turned the Island of Britain into a well oiled war machine. 

Surely the last 500 years of British history would be completely different if Arthur Tudor ruled England. Perhaps Arthur wouldn't need to marry 6 different wives in persuit of a son and the UK would remain closely tied to the rest of Europe. Who knows? 

Only God knows. 

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Breaking Water

I was a kid in the 90s and a broke many things, my foot bone, glass, watches, ornaments and joys, did I mention my Dad is bald? 

One day I even managed to break water. What happened was I was given a chemistry set as a gift and the first experiment was to take a nine volt battery and connect it to a u shaped test tube filled with water. The battery was connected to two electrodes. When I connected the battery, bubbles started to form in the water. The bubbles were Hydrogen and Oxygen gas. The electricity from the battery was splitting water molecules, When you split water molecules you are left with oxygen and hydrogen gas. I always thought that water was indestructible before that but I was wrong. It is very easy to break water molecules, in fact plants do it all the time to make their food and oxygen. 

Some people in this world set out to break the internet, others try to break world records, there are even people that break out of jail, but in the 90s I broke water with a nine volt battery and shattered my perception of reality. 

5g radiation

I don't think 5g radio masts are dangerous. I think radio waves are so wide that they pass through solid things like our bodies without interacting with it. They are the opposite to ultraviolet rays which are very dangerous.

What if I'm wrong? I get things wrong all the time. What if all the different radio frequencies are causing harm to our bodies? What if the combination of all the radio energy is actually hazardous to our bodies? 

Thursday, 16 April 2020

A year with you

Jacob, my son. 
You have been with us for a year now. You have changed so much. You were born in the middle of Spring, in the Middle of the day, in the middle of Buckinghamshire and given a middle name that means to be polite, "Curtis".  

The day you were born you were a typical newborn baby. You couldn't support your own head and could only move your arms and hands freely and cry for milk. You behaved like you were still in the womb for a while and would curl up your legs to save space. 

I observed you diligently and watched you turn into a determined infant. I watched you make random sounds with your mouth and watched you smile and laugh for the first time. When you started eating solid food I noticed that your hearing and your taste were connected in a deep way because when high pitched music was playing, the food you were eating seemed sweet to you. When lower pitched sounds were present like my own voice or music with bass, the food would be bitter like a lemon. At least your face would give me that impression. When violins play a sweet taste comes when drums play a sour taste comes. 

You started crawling at six months old and would always crawl backwards until the end of winter when you would crawl forwards on your knees and would pull yourself upright  on your feet if there was something to grab hold of. You are close to walking without support and I am confident that you will walk freely by yourself by the end of Spring. 

I have no idea what kind of person you will grow into but I will listen and observe you while I am still in this world. You seem to be interested in music more than anything else right now. 

You were born at a turbulent time my son, in the middle of Brexit  just before a pandemic infection called Covid19 emerged in this world, now your second spring is spent in lockdown. No parties, no restaurants, no leisure, no non food shopping. Only essential travel is permitted with the hope of stopping the virus from spreading. 

Chili Mystery

I was wondering how people in the ancient times realised that chili peppers were not poisonous. Chili peppers are scientifically classed as berries. They originated in South America. 

If you were to pick a berry and feel a burning sensation then you would think it was poisonous and leave it alone. But the ancient people that lived there were clever I guess and realised the burning sensation is just a deception of poison. 

Chili peppers don't just give you a burning sensation, they trip off all the tastes in your tongue and nose, Sweet, Salt, Savoury and so forth. When you become desensitised to the heat feeling you are left with a nice taste of everything. They also contain very high levels of vitamins. 

How did the ancient people do it? 

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Alan Train

You may find this blog boring at times, I wouldn't be offended or surprised because it is just my thoughts and they are not yours so you value different things to me. I sense that this is one of those posts that many people will find boring. 

I was thinking again about how a metro rail system would work if I designed it. I wrote about this before in a previous post but the design in my head is different now. It has been upgraded. I will try to keep the design ideas as bullet points. 

Firstly, all trains that come to the station are express trains. They all go directly to one station. 
Secondly, There is a separate platform for people getting off the train and they are kept separate from people getting on the train. 
Thirdly, all trains are very small and all people that go on the train only sit down in single-file facing 90° to the train's direction facing the doors and the doors are only on one side of the train. 
Fourthly, the trains sometimes separate themselves into smaller trains when they are parked in the exiting platform to adjust to the number of people that are getting on the train in the boarding platform, because some stations don't have many commuters compared to others. 
Fifthly, there are two boarding platforms, one going a to b and one going b to a. Both the boarding platforms have two sets of tracks on both sides and there is a barrier with sliding doors that line up with the doors of the train. Both tracks on the boarding platforms have trains that are heading in the same direction but they are going to different stations. 
Sixthly, There are no stairs or escalators in the station, just gentle ramps that zigzag all the way down to the platform zone, the walk is longer but the station does less work and a counter machine at the entrance knows how many people are in the station so it has time to order more trains in if there are large crowds. 
Seventhly, As you enter the station the hall splits into two, one path goes to a slow but free service and the other goes to a fast but priced service.  

The slow but free service is not a train but two conveyor belts that go to the same stations but they are very slow. One belt moves at walking pace and the other half that speed. You step onto the slow belt then onto the faster one. The faster belt has an endless row of seats on it. In the little world inside my head most people will use the free service in some way, like if they only want to go to one stop or if they are cheap skates and want to get across the city for free and don't mind taking a long time. 

I really need to do some artwork to show how it all works. 

Monday, 13 April 2020

Lamborghini Brat

Yesterday I watched a video of a doting father giving his daughter a Lamborghini as a gift. Instead of saying "thank you Dad" she was angry and complaining about it. At present you can find the video using the key words Lamborghini Brat. 

I thought to myself that he isn't even obligated to buy her any car at all. No one ever bought me a car, I worked the tosh out of myself for the two little city cars that I have owned. Even if my parents give me a pair of socks as a gift I am very pleased. I am pleased with every gift my parents have ever given me, from my first phone; Nokia 3310, my first games consol; sega megadrive and even my TV. I am very grateful for all the things my parents got me even to this day I feel lucky to have them. 

I thought about what I would do if I was given a Lamborghini. I would sell it then buy a brand new Honda, go on a once in a life time working man's holiday (Caribbean cruise and resort combo 3 weeks) and I would use the change left over to get a nice mortgage for a house with a little garden. I would kiss the person's feet if they bought me such a thing, anyway if she still doesn't like it, I will take it. 

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Radiation reality

A very common conversation I have with people is their concern about radio transmitters, they claim that radio transmitters cause cancer and alter our minds. They are very concerned about radiation and think that many diseases are connected to it including the Corona virus infections. 

I tell those people that most radiation you will receive in your life comes from your own body. The tissues in your body transmit infra red radiation in large amounts. Your body is literally shining like a super trooper stage lamp in a light that is slightly wider than the cells in your eyes so you can't see it, but it is there. 

Then they say radio waves are more dangerous than infra red waves and I say no, all frequencies of radio waves are much wider than infra red waves so they collide with your cells less often. Also ultra violet waves from the sun are about a third the width of your retina cells and they disintegrate as soon as they touch your cells so they release all their energy in just a few millimeters of tissue and that causes much more radiation so you should be more worried about sun light than radio waves. Turning a light bulb on in your home is more hazardous than all the radio waves that are around us. And no one worries about the sun which transmits radiation that is dangerous to our bodies. 

Think about it....

Saturday, 11 April 2020


It is Easter now, the time stamp on this Blog is American time. Imagine how unlucky you would be to get a punctured tyre on the one day of the year when everything is closed and the one spring of the century when everything is on lockdown, that person must be earmarked to win the lottery, surely. 

Today is a celebration of Jesus resurrection. The way I see Jesus is as the most blameless human being that ever lived on Earth. He is the real superman and he is filled with love. Easter is on a different day in spring every year so I can't really say a date. He voluntarily of gave his life to redeem mankind from destruction. 

Apparently his name is pronounced Yeshuar in the Hebrew language. It may be easier to call him the Messiah. 

Friday, 10 April 2020

A way to Bake

Easter is near and people will be doing a lot of baking. 

When I bake things I like to wrap a plate in tin foil and use the plate to bake things. The plate is made of baked clay so it stores heat and re-emits heat after the oven has been switched off and keeps the food hot. The foil paper keeps the plate clean by separating it from the food. When the plate is removed from the oven it can be slid onto a wooden cutting board and then it isn't too hot to handle and it is rigid so it is easier to do it that way. 

If I am using only one shelf I would turn off fan assistance if I can because the fan pushes the hot air around the oven and makes all the shelves the same temperature but it takes longer for the heat to build up. It is a nice feature because you can turn the temperature to 200°c and know that all the shelves are 200°c but you have to wait 10 minutes before all the shelves are that temperature. When fan assistance is off the top shelf is more hot then the lower shelves but the top shelf is hot in just 3 minutes. 

Thursday, 9 April 2020

One tree Paradox

I have a thought paradox, I'm not sure what to call it so I will make up a name. I'll call it the one tree Paradox. Let me explain.

On Earth there is said to be one Tree of life. All beings on Earth are part of the same family, Bacteria, Fungus, Plants, Animals and Amoebas. They are all carbon based life forms and made of cells that function the same way. Micro Protien Machines manipulate and interpret DNA molecules to synthesise more protiens and replicate life. The DNA molecules in all life forms work the same way. The DNA and protein molecules are made largely of Carbon atoms and follow the same rules. All life on needs water to live. 

If life occurs as a natural process  and is inevitable then why is there only one tree of life? Shouldn't other types of life emerge along side the existing life? Perhaps Beings that don't have DNA but have some other type of polymer molecule that stores information? Or perhaps beings that have protein machines that read the DNA in a different direction? Or beings that use a different solvant solution to live in. Or beings with DNA that has more than 4 base codes? 

If life exists because of random events then why is there only one tree? Does this mean that life only emerged once?  Shouldn't it emerge over and over again with slightly different rules? Different ways to exist? To me this is so strange. Why do we think life just occurs from chance?

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Things that bring me joy

There are many things that bring me joy in this world. Some things may be familiar to you and others may be strange, here are a few of them. 

I enjoy watching people doing very difficult things, not always but quite often. One thing that stands out is the "Unbeatable Banzuke TV show". Unbeatable banzuke is a Japanese TV show about extremely difficult challenges. One of the tasks requires people to walk on their hands through several obstacles without falling over, another one involves people going through an obstacle course on a uni-cycle. To get a clearer picture of what I am writing about I suggest you look up "unbeatable Banzuke" on a free video platform like YouTube. 

Another thing I like is maximum utilisation, when people exploit a service fully. An example is when a relative of mine used the full length of a bus route for a bus pass. She had a bus pass and took the bus from the start of the route outside where she lived in South Harrow and got off the Bus at the end of its route in Watford to work, the bus route was the number 258 I believe, if she had used half of the route and got off in headstone then she would still pay the same price for the bus pass, the way London functions is strange to me. The distance between South Harrow and Watford in London is quite long. 

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Mild Morning

Jacob, My Son.
You may be wondering why I write this blog, what is the purpose of this blog? You may be thinking, why? I started writing this blog 5 years ago because I realized that the company that provides the platform (blogger via google) doesn't charge anything for it. Since then I have literally written thousands of posts. In fact if you were to print all the posts I have written, the printout would be very heavy and difficult to carry. 
This blog is a hobby to me and it is also art. It is a way of expressing my thoughts to people around the world. It is the closest thing I have to telepathy. I feel that this world is filled with anger, violence, hate and dirty things and this blog dilutes all those things in a very slow and gentle way. This blog is one of my small gifts to this world, I gain nothing from it except feeling a little bit more happy because I have created something. I welcome everyone to write blogs like this so together we can dilute all the poison in this world and fill it with thought and debate. 

Why do I write this blog? To share my thoughts with the world, to give the people of the present and the future a small gift, like a painting or a poem, it is just there to create a flow of thoughts in the minds of others. It is also a reliable source of history to show people what it means to be an ordinary man living at the turn of the millennium. 

Over the years different media platforms have emerged that has allowed me to share with more people. Some of those platforms are more formal than others but the outcome is the same, my little world is diluting all the poisonous things in this world and turning it into the happy zone. 

Monday, 6 April 2020

Boris in Hospital

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in Hospital because of his Covid19 infection. I wish him a quick recovery and good health. 

I hope they finish the Covid19 Vaccine soon. There are people that are against vaccines but they shouldn't worry. 

Most vaccines are made by injecting the real virus into giant cells like chickens eggs. The cell produces many copies of the viruses until it is completely filled with them. Then the swarm of viruses are passed under powerful ultraviolet radiation, the radiation destroys the viruses' DNA and makes them useless but leaves the outside casing of the virus intact. The white blood cells in our blood  study the outer casing of the Virus, so that is all they need to learn how to make antibody proteins. When you get the working virus you would already be producing antibodies that disable the viruses. Vaccines definitely work so don't be concerned.  

Sunday, 5 April 2020

5G Covid19 Conspiracy

The roads are largely empty at present but I still see over powered cars smashed up on the side of the road. I think some of these car companies should change their logo to a skull. If you crash your car and the truth doesn't make sense then the lie to cut a long story short is "cramp in both legs". 

Some people are telling me there is a connection between covid19 and 5G masts. I don't think there is because the radio waves in 5g masts are a millimetre long, similar to the WiFi signals in your home. They are harmless in my opinion. 

The thing I am worried about  is 5g is connected to driverless automated vehicles (remote si and live satnav maps) , people that work behind a wheel may be out of a job soon. It would be nice to have a small subscription fee and have machines move you anywhere you like but they should be deliberately slower than vehicles driven by people so they may keep their jobs and have one competitive edge. 

I won't have a use for 5g because 4g is fast enough for me. I get all the internet I need from 4g. 

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Alan Fiver

I was thinking of what a five pound note would look like if I designed it. 

Firstly there would be ruler lines on the edge of the note so you can measure something if you happen to have a note in your wallet. It would also have the phrase "ruler Britannia" written on it next to the ruler lines. Perhaps both sides of the note would have ruler lines. One side for inches and the other for centimeters. 

Then there would be a table with 3 lines going down it showing every price between 50p and £50  divided by 3, 4, and 5 in increments of 50p 
Like this...

Price    %3.       %4.         %5
50p.     16.6p   12.5p.     10p
£1.        33.3p   25p.        20p
£1.50.   50p       37.5p.    30p

Where Jane Austen is there would be a rough map of Britain with all the main roads, I have nothing against Jane Austen, I have never read pride and prejudice but I'm sure she was a good writer. I just think a map would be more useful. 

An animated hologram of the Queen would be on there showing the queen stroking her chin, thinking about all the nice features on the note. That would be an anti forgery fixture. 

Then there would be all the swirly lines and fine print to make it hard to forge. 

If there is space, there could be a conversion table. It converts Imperial measurements with metric ones. 

Friday, 3 April 2020

Chop Chop

One thing that is bad about the internet is that we are exposed to videos that poison our minds. Road rage, violence or just plain dirty things. They alter our minds slightly in a negative way. 

Not too long ago I saw I lady being executed, she was convicted of killing a child. The penalty was decapitation by sword. The video had not yet been censored on the social media platform. The woman was telling them that she was innocent in Arabic. They pulled her to the floor and cut her head off. The woman saw the shadow of the sword swing down and she screamed very loud and then sputtered as the sword slashed through her neck. 

I instantly regretted watching the video, I felt a jolt of electricity surge through my spine and into my kidneys then out into my stomach and the acid in my stomach went into my mouth and I ran to the bathroom to spit it out, I also felt pitty because it is very scary having your head chopped off. I didn't hate the man with the sword because he was putting a killer to death, he thought she is a killer because she was found guilty.  He was just doing his duty. 

Well, the following month I was at the market place and the trader dropped a large cauliflower on the floor, the sound of the vegtable hitting the floor reminded me of what I saw and the feeling came back and I had another acid mouth but I swallowed it and bent over from feeling sick. The trader asked me if I was ok. There is a lie I tell to cut a long story short, I said I had a cramp. That lie works well for other things too like of you try to ride your bike on one wheel, fall over and smash a glass pane on your parents greenhouse. It is not a lie to be deceptive but to keep things simple. Anyway, he asked me if the cramp was in the legs and I said "yes" and he told me not to run too much in the gym. I said "ok". 

I'm over it now but you see the video had a negative effect and it would be better if I never saw it. 

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Wonders of Soup

Last Month in march, me and my small family became very sick. My temperature rose to 39.5 °c and stayed at that temperature for 3 days, my throat was swallen and I found it hard to breathe freely. 5 days later I was still getting high temperature on and off and felt dizzy when I stood upright. I lost my appetite and found it hard to swallow food. 

There was one food I was able to consume freely and that was soup. I forgot how nice soup is, even for a vegetarian like me. It is easy to swallow and smells nice and it is quite cheap. Also if you have a dried up baguette, you can eat it with the soup and it would become soft again. There is dehydrated soup that you just add hot water, and there is ready prepared soup in cans and plastic tubs. Perhaps I will eat a lot more soup for now on. 

If you buy a multi pack of soup you get change from 50p for each unit and the dehydrated cup soups come with 4 sachets and they are less than £1, good for taking at work. Plus. There are many different recipes to choose from, even if you are vegan. 

Walk of Bliss

The most blissful walk I ever had was waking up at 5 am and getting to the sea front just before sunrise. There was no one there except for me and a jogger in the distance. 

I would walk out to the surf zone and hear the waves crashing down on the sand and fizzing as millions of tiny bubbles are tossed into the flowing water. Then I would hear the fizzing sound slide away as wave rolles back into the body of water. Wave after wave after wave would roll over the sand and I would feel a gentle sea breeze. 

Then I would see the edge of the sun's rays come up out of the horizon over the water  and I would see the sun shimmering on the water. I would see a bright peaceful scene and look out into the sea that would go out beyond the horizon. I would take off my shoes and socks and walk on the surf zone, the wet sand was rigid and cold and the waves would wash over my foot and I would feel the sand particles shift around my toes and swirl around and feel all the bubbles in the wave fizzing. 

It is the simple things that bring bliss. The moment when you are not thinking, just observing and being at peace. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Communism version 2

I have seen every episode of Star Trek next Generation from the 90s with Captain John Luke Picard, I never liked the other generations of Star Trek although Deep space 9 is ok. The Deep space nine space station appeared in the next Generation once, I think they just visited it. 

One thing I noticed about Star Trek is that there are hidden messages. I think they were trying to show a world where socialism and communism has been reinvented and it worked. For instance, Warf (the Clingon) has a sickle shaped sword and he sleeps with his sword hanging on the wall. It looks like a hammer and sickle to me. Commander Ryker mentioned a few times that Money doesn't exist so the Star ship costs nothing, it is built with cooperation and voluntary labour. There are replicators in the ship that can make anything they want, food, drink devices so people don't need to buy anything. 

A canister of Hydrogen can power the ship for a lifetime because they have a Hydrogen Fusion reactor that creates nuclear fusion energy. There are several hundred canisters so they have all the power they will ever need. The smaller ships also have nuclear reactors and hydrogen canisters so even they can keep going. 

There is Holodecks on the ship so people can walk around in a rigid illuminated hologram that is so life like that it is like going to a real place. They don't need to go on holiday. 

The world I saw in star trek is a world without money and people work for free, technology makes everything so cheap that socialism can work as long as people contribute a voluntary effort and cooperate. 

I do wonder... 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...