Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Maximum use

One thing that really makes me tick is when I get good use out of something. For example.

In my dream home; the veranda house, the grey water that comes out of the back of a washing machine and shower plughole gets stored in a tank and is used to flush the toilet. The soap and detergent suspended in the water helps to breakup the skid marks in the pipe and the water is used twice. That is Maximum use. 

I would also use metallic reflective wall paper so it reflects light from a dim light bulb over and over and over again so the room is still bright, that is maximum use.

When I drive my car I am learning Spanish at the same time, that is maximum use.  

When a person hates me and they look for a reason to get me fired by reading my entire blog, their web browser is telling the search engines that my blog has some kind of merit even though it is only the thoughts from my little world, that is maximum use. 

If you're thinking I am boring then I would say that it is true, I am the most boring man on earth. My super power is the ability to lul a crystal meth junkie to sleep just by talking. When I create things that are not popular it is a message to an older version of myself about what I am now and it also helps me not to be proud, God resists the proud and I would love God and his angels to help me out in life. Also I don't know very much so it would be nice to learn more things. 

Whether you hate me or just like to read stuff, welcome aboard my little boat. I am a boat heading for placid waters. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...