Monday, 11 May 2020

Super Daydream

Sometimes I can sleep and wake up after just two & half hours, my body would make me feel like I'm not tired but my mind knows better. You then find yourself wrestling with your mind because you are thinking you need to sleep but your body refuses to sleep because you are thinking about it. 

Well, yesterday was one of those days. The remedy I use to send me back to sleep is to turn on the TV and play a play list of videos that are interesting to me to make me drift off. The problem was I couldn't do that because my son was sleeping nearby and he is still an infant. 

Plan B is to just daydream about something. That is what I did. I daydreamed about two things. One was the name I would give to my child if I have a daughter in the future. I wondered if there was a good name that is completely unique. 

The other thing I daydreamed about was the "veranda house railway". The dream home in my mind is called the veranda house because it has an enclosed porch that goes all the way around. Inside the spaces between the walls of the house is a very small railway with trian cars that are just big enough for one person to sit in them. It is hidden in the house walls and can only be accessed through tiny train stations with doors that are disguised as cupboards. 

The day dream worked. I went back to sleep. I will expand on the day dream later. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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