Monday 4 May 2020

Float it

I mentioned earlier in this blog that there is a place in my head called "Lemon valley" , where I put thought machines that don't work. Well, the most common type of thing you would find there is floating panels that don't float. Allow me to explain. 

I worked out the typical volume of the inside of a glass jar (π r2 * h), it is about one quarter of a cubed meter. I estimated the air inside would weigh about the weight of a plum. If the glass of the jar was just 1 millimeter thick and all the air removed from inside then the jar would weigh less than the air, but the air pressure would smash the thin glass because there is no air inside pushing outwards. While the glass jar is inside a vacuum chamber it is lighter than air and would float in the air if the glass was strong enough, but it isn't. If the glass was normal thickness it would harbour a vacuum without breaking but it would be heavier than the air and wouldn't float. 

To solve this problem I thought of putting a jar in a jar and the outer jar has half air pressure and the inner jar would be a vacuum. In my head this also won't work because as soon as you get enough strength you would be left with a jar that is heavier than air. 

I can tell you there is hundreds of other ways I thought of and they are all in Lemon Valley but some of them may not belong there. I would need to build the rig myself to see. 

This is why I feel angry when rich people say money doesn't buy you happyness. Everything I want to do costs money, space  and time. I don't have money, space or time on my hands to even try to build any of the machines in my head. The freedom to try would make me happy. Even if they didn't work in reality I would be happy and keep trying. 

I am happy by default, it is being trapped in the gray zone that holds back joy. 

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Oubliette For Brats

If there is a day when artificial intelligence becomes sly against mankind and robots cast all people into a giant dungeon underground, I th...